Don't Try This At Home

Rising Up From The Ruins

By Bob on June 9, 2014 4:39 AM

A few weeks ago I climbed in the Boomer Brief DeLorean and set the clock back to Dec. 2003. Seconds later I was sitting in an exam room with a doctor telling me I had cancer. 

I know, you're all, "Gawd...is he going down that road? I think my phone's ringing..."  



Before you bail - SPOILER ALERT - this isn't THAT kind of post. But if you're leaving, please return your tray tables and seatbacks to their upright and locked positions and don't ever sit in the exit row again.

Where was I?

Oh, yeah. The DeLorean.

It's a fixer-upper...but a little paint, some sheetrock...it'll be good as new

28-600.jpgWell when I hopped back in the DeLorean I accidentally reset the clock for the summer of 2009. That's when I found myself with Charlotte in another exam room. This time a different doctor was telling her she had cancer.

Doesn't that just suck?

For those of  you keeping score at home. IT DID.

The site of the 2015 Boomer Brief Cliff Diving Championship

81-600.jpgThat's why I beat it back to 2014. Because you know what DOESN'T suck? 

NOT having cancer.

That's why 2014 is better than 2003 and 2009. Charlotte and I just celebrated our 5 and 10 year anniversaries as cancer survivors **cue the marching band**.

Wonder how much I could get if I sold this logo to Nike?

103-600.jpgWhen we were diagnosed  I promised we'd do something special when we reached our milestones. You know what Internets? That's what we did.


 After selling The Boomer Brief DeLorean on EBay...

We booked one of those once-in-a-lifetime trips where we ate well, drank well and saw stuff much older than me. After selling The Boomer Brief DeLorean on EBay, we had enough money to take a cruise (we'll go on our next one when we sell the Hoverboard).

Charlotte...next time, you row

40-600.jpgWe climbed aboard the Regent Seven Seas Mariner and had a celebration worthy of beating back the beast that is cancer and celebrating our 36th wedding anniversary in the bargain. As the cool kids say,  "it was awesome".

Just think how you'd look if you were 2,200 years old

108-600.jpgWhen we were married in 1978 we were blissfully ignorant of some of the s**t life would throw at us. But you know what? Living well isn't the best revenge.

Then again, maybe it is 


LIVING is the best revenge.

No, I did not see Otis Redding

57-600.jpgAnd you know what?

If Charlotte and I have learned one thing in 36 years it's that LIVING is what it's all about.

11-600.jpg16-600.jpg34-500.jpg35-600.jpgEven the ancient ones had an appreciation for "The King"



34 Years Ago Today

Needles and Pins

Ranch Re-Do

Red Thong Strong: Girlfriends Little Secrets to Smoothing Lifes Panty Lines
Guest Room

Diabetes-Friendly Chicken Burrito Bowl

ChickenBurritoBowlEverydayDiabetes 600.jpg

By Laura Cipullo and Lisa Mikus, authors of Everyday Diabetes Meals
Image credit: Colin Erricson

Prepare your own Mexican quick fix with this Chipotle-inspired bowl. Carbs are moderated by filling the bowl with beans, extra veggies and chicken. No need for rice, since the beans count as carbs.


If you love tomatoes, increase the quantity to 1/2 cup, but note that the carbohydrates will also increase.

If preparing this recipe for one person, cut all of the ingredients in half. Or simply prepare the full recipe up to the end of step 2 and store leftover chicken and vegetable-bean mixture in separate airtight containers in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Reheat in the microwave on High for 1 to 2 minutes, or until heated through, and continue with step 3.

Health Bite: The iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper and zinc in black beans help to keep bones strong and healthy.

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Windy City

It's been almost 18 years since Alison Krauss gave us a solo album, but the wait is over with Windy City. The release (her fifth solo studio album) features ten covers of classic songs (and some bonus tracks) she picked with producer Buddy Cannon.

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Know someone battling cancer? Baylor Health Care System's Sammons Says... cancer blog is a great place to go for help. Here, you'll find information, resources, physicians, support groups and just about everything you need to help you navigate your way through this illness.

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